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A practical and inspiring guide to transforming your passion into a thriving business--and a fulfilling life. As people have come to yearn for more fulfilling and creative work, many are realizing their dreams by leaving the corporate life behind and creating businesses around the things they love. In Not Just a Living, Mark Henricks explores the genesis of this cultural and social phenomenon and offers a comprehensive approach for assessing your own potential, for "taking the plunge," and for building a business that helps you fulfill both personal and professional aspirations. Combining the authority of firsthand experience, colorful and engaging stories from the front lines, and a variety of diagnostic and planning tools, Henricks shows you how to determine whether the entrepreneurial route is right for you, recognize opportunities, overcome obstacles, plan your course, and launch and sustain your business--whether it's a solo venture out of your garage or a multi-million-dollar enterprise.
From Publishers Weekly
Freelance writer Mark Henricks says it's possible to own a thriving business and have a fulfilling life, and he explains how in Not Just a Living: The Complete Guide to Creating a Business That Gives You a Life. Henricks suggests readers become "lifestyle entrepreneurs," which entails living where one wants (instead of moving one's family), working with people one likes (instead of with backstabbing colleagues) and doing work one wants to do. He carefully describes how to determine whether one has the potential to become a lifestyle entrepreneur and the practical realities and key concerns of becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur.
From Library Journal
When should would-be entrepreneurs take the plunge? Freelance writer Henricks (Grow Your Business) has written this guide to help people decide whether they are ready to be "lifestyle entrepreneurs," or entrepreneurs who goes into business for lifestyle reasons rather than for financial rewards. The book is divided into three sections, with the first section outlining the decision process potential entrepreneurs should go through before leaving their current situations and including the possible downsides of starting one's own business. The second section describes the ways a person can go into business, such as starting a new enterprise, buying an established business, or franchising. This section also gives options on how to fund the new business once it is off the ground. The third section deals with choosing customers, suppliers, partners, etc., what type of technology to utilize in running the business, whether to expand the business, and when to cash out. Throughout, Henricks recounts his own experiences as a freelancer and offers advice from the hundreds of entrepreneurs he interviewed. A bibliography of print and electronic resources is also provided. The result is a useful and clearly written manual. Recommended for public and academic libraries.
Stacey Marien, American Univ. Lib., Washington, DC
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 229 Width (mm) 152
A practical and inspiring guide to transforming your passion into a thriving business--and a fulfilling life. As people have come to yearn for more fulfilling and creative work, many are realizing their dreams by leaving the corporate life behind and creating businesses around the things they love. In Not Just a Living, Mark Henricks explores the genesis of this cultural and social phenomenon and offers a comprehensive approach for assessing your own potential, for "taking the plunge," and for building a business that helps you fulfill both personal and professional aspirations. Combining the authority of firsthand experience, colorful and engaging stories from the front lines, and a variety of diagnostic and planning tools, Henricks shows you how to determine whether the entrepreneurial route is right for you, recognize opportunities, overcome obstacles, plan your course, and launch and sustain your business--whether it's a solo venture out of your garage or a multi-million-dollar enterprise.
From Publishers Weekly
Freelance writer Mark Henricks says it's possible to own a thriving business and have a fulfilling life, and he explains how in Not Just a Living: The Complete Guide to Creating a Business That Gives You a Life. Henricks suggests readers become "lifestyle entrepreneurs," which entails living where one wants (instead of moving one's family), working with people one likes (instead of with backstabbing colleagues) and doing work one wants to do. He carefully describes how to determine whether one has the potential to become a lifestyle entrepreneur and the practical realities and key concerns of becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur.
From Library Journal
When should would-be entrepreneurs take the plunge? Freelance writer Henricks (Grow Your Business) has written this guide to help people decide whether they are ready to be "lifestyle entrepreneurs," or entrepreneurs who goes into business for lifestyle reasons rather than for financial rewards. The book is divided into three sections, with the first section outlining the decision process potential entrepreneurs should go through before leaving their current situations and including the possible downsides of starting one's own business. The second section describes the ways a person can go into business, such as starting a new enterprise, buying an established business, or franchising. This section also gives options on how to fund the new business once it is off the ground. The third section deals with choosing customers, suppliers, partners, etc., what type of technology to utilize in running the business, whether to expand the business, and when to cash out. Throughout, Henricks recounts his own experiences as a freelancer and offers advice from the hundreds of entrepreneurs he interviewed. A bibliography of print and electronic resources is also provided. The result is a useful and clearly written manual. Recommended for public and academic libraries.
Stacey Marien, American Univ. Lib., Washington, DC
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 229 Width (mm) 152
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