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一、选词填空(共30题)1 All who completed the voluntaryon Friday will receive a certificate recognizing their participation
A trainB trained
C trainingD trainable
2 Mr Arman admitted that he had beensurprised by the high volume of sales his company had generated last quarter
A most throughB throughly
C throughnessD through
3 Most of the meeting was spent going over the salesfrom the previous month
A shapesB celebrities
C figuresD measures
4 One of the moreresults of the price increase was an initial drop in sales
A confusingB beneficial
C respectedD obvious
5 Questions concerning shipping costs of delivery times should be directed to the , not the manufacturing firm
A distributionB distribute
C distributorD distributing
6 The majority of those who attended the meeting remained throughout the entirety of the exciting presentation
A captivatingB captivation
C captivatedD captivates
7 The employees requested that the presentation begin at 7:00 and that it last no longer than one hour
A promptlyB willingly
C abruptlyD recently
8 Even though the conference is not for another eight weeks, we have decided to begin making the necessary now
A arrangedB arrangements
C arrangingD arranges
9 Whoever is in charge of the event must have the ability to work on multiple tasks at the same time
A coordinating B intending
C collaboratingD depending
10 Many people who read the document complained that it included too much information that was not to the main issue
A relevantB outward
C equivalentD opposite
11 Workers maintain that the company’s to implement modern safety regulations puts everyone in the factory at risk of injury
A discouragementB indecision
C unwillingnessD hindrance
12 Research recently conducted on the side effects of the medication that it should not be prescribed to diabetic patients
A has foundB has been found
C findsD was finding
13 Market research shows that few consumers actually prices before selecting their groceries in the store
A renewB submit
C compareD collect
14 By a cheaper material for the steel in our products, we can greatly reduce manufacturing costs
A substitutingB replacing
C alternatingD displacing
15 If your computer experience any problems within the warranty period, you can take it to an authorized repair center free of charge
A will B should
C hadD would
16 All of the machinery must be carefully inspected before production at the plant is allowed to
A inhibitB comply
C motivateD proceed
17 Please make sure all items have been from the desks before the new employees arrive next week
A removedB remove
C removesD removing
18 Had the town’s residents been allowed to vote on the measure, it surely
A would be passing B would have passed
C passedD would pass
19 Advertisements that the travel agency’s newest package vacations will air on radio and television stations tomorrow evening
A promoteB overlook
C submitD admire
20 If the exchange rate with the dollar continues to drop, the country’s businesses will certainly lose money
A much B much of
C many D many of
21 Ms Richards, the store manager, offered a refund to the dissatisfied customer because she could see that the product was faulty
A frequentlyB kindly
C totallyD largely
22 The procurement manager is relieved that the new software he bought will be with the existing IT system
A compatibleB feasible
C believableD receivable
23 in universities around the nation has more than tripled compared to this time last year
A EnrollB Enrolls
C EnrollingD Enrollment
24 Mr Pennington retires, he will receive an annual pension of more than fifty thousand dollars from Packard Incorporated
A OftenB Once
C WhoeverD Sometimes
25 A recent poll indicates the candidate’s popularity has been increasing among the voters
A whichB that
C thoseD what
26 Academic dishonesty is a problem that has been colleges and universities for generations
A handlingB plaguing
C addressingD targeting
27 It is on this that I say that human civilization may have come from some planet in the universe
A premiseB pretext
C evidenceD presentation
28 He himself a superhero and goes out at night to catch bad guys
A presumesB assumes
C supposeD imagine
29 the brand gains recognition, several farmers who are not immigrants and some refugee farmers have reached out about selling herbs to the startup
A AsB By
C WithD Until
30 After three hours, most of the toxins in his body had been and he was able to rest for another three or four days
A disposedB eliminated
C abolishedD cancelled
二、阅读理解(共7大题,25小题)Passage 1
Q: Can I get a job outside of my college degree
A: You can absolutely shift career paths! Ive seen this successfully done time and time again
The fact that you are earning your degree speaks volumes Employers will want to know what degree you earned and what you studied, but as a recruiter, Id be more focused on the types of internships youve taken, your skills and experiences (study abroad counts, as well) Subject matter counts, too So if youre passionate about psychology and can fit in psychology classes, go for it (I actually majored in psychology!) I knew at the time that understanding people would be a valuable asset to have during every stage of my life—both business and personal
As a former Big 4 recruiter, I was only able to internally recruit candidates for certain positions if they had a degree in accounting If they earned a degree in business or economics, I was not able to hire them So, it can help if you can work backwards and begin with the end in mind For example, if you want to eventually pursue a career in communications, start looking at job openings to determine what type of degree the jobs require
31 Whats the speakers attitude towards working outside of ones degree
A The speaker focuses more on ones internship experience rather than the degree
B The speaker encourages people to work outside of ones degree
C The speaker thinks it is not wise to choose a career that is not related to ones degree
D The speaker considers it risky to work outside of ones degree
32 Which of the following approaches to getting the ideal job is recommended by the speaker
A To apply for ones dream job directly
B To change ones major
C To understand people
D To take classes related to the job
33 The phrase “speaks volumes” in the third paragraph could be replaced by
A provides a lot of information
B means nothing
C proves something
D helps a lot
Passage 2
There are three countries that have sent spacecraft to the moon, the US, Russia and the third which soft landed a rover there back in 2013 is China But China hopes to become the first country to explore the dark side of the moon or the far side The part never faces Earth China has a mission plan this year, though a launch date hasnt been announced yet One problem with exploring the dark side of the moon is that theres no easy way to communicate with whatever kind of vehicle people put there The moon itself would block any signals coming from Earth So to address that, China launched a satellite earlier this year that will hang out in the moons orbit acting like a relay station between the Earth and the new rover that Chinas planning to send to the moon later this year The country is a relatively late entry into sp
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