The Code of the Executive: Forty-Seven Ancient Samurai Principles Essential for Twenty-First Century Leadership Success(ISBN=9780452281530) mobi pdf azw3 夸克云 pdb 115盘 lrf 下载

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Book De*ion
"The dynamic principles
that have endured through the millennia are beautifully embodied in
this short yet substantial book."
-Stephen Covey, author of The Seven
Habits of Highly Effective People
More than a thousand years ago, a group of business executives
developed a set of principles for organizational leadership in a
competitive market. Those executives were the samurai of
ninth-century Japan, and their rigid code of ethics, known as
bushido, was one of the most effective frameworks for management in
history. The Code of the Executive is business adviser Don
Schmincke's modern interpretation of the Code of the
Samurai-ancient wisdom written for today's corporate warriors.
These principles provide a dynamic system of practical and moral
training for effective leadership. In addition to interactive
strategies for relating to the business world, this philosophy
provides at its core a guide to the inner development necessary for
consistent and long-term success. A terrific gift for a friend,
relative, new graduate, or business associate, The Code of the
Executive is filled with relevant wisdom and offers an enlightened
path to business fulfillment.
Management advisor Don Schmincke believes leaders can thrive in the
third millennium by utilizing principles developed during the
first. They originate in a moral code known as Bushido that was
followed by samurai warriors in ninth-century Japan and formalized
by Daidoji Yuzan as the Code of the Samurai some seven centuries
later. Now updating them as The Code of the Executive, Schmincke
points out parallels between past and present and suggests this
connection is a natural. In those days, he writes, the shogun was
regulatory government, feudal barons the hard-driving CEOs, real
estate their business, and samurai the executives hired to oversee
it all. These samurai relied upon their rigid ethical guide to
discharge both professional and personal responsibilities
favorably, Schmincke notes, and today's corporate leaders can
succeed by similarly following its teachings. Dividing fundamentals
into categories such as "Personal Principles," "Roles and
Responsibilities, and "Education and Development," he shows how
ancient wisdom on cooperation, integrity, accountability,
sacrifice, power, and so on can apply to contemporary situations.
On "Respecting Personnel," for example, he suggests "reasonable
argument" be used to "gain agreement" on serious infractions--while
"for trivial issues" it is better to be "indulgent and patient and
not sweat the insignificant."
--Howard Rothman
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.3 width:(cm)12.7
Don Schmincke is president of Methods International, Inc.,
advisers to CEOs and executive teams worldwide. His work has been
recognized in national media such as The Wall Street Journal and
USA Today, and he speaks internationally to more than three hundred
CEOs each year. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, he is on the faculty of Johns Hopkins University and
lives in Baltimore, Maryland.
Book Description
"The dynamic principles that have endured through the millennia are beautifully embodied in this short yet substantial book."
-Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
More than a thousand years ago, a group of business executives developed a set of principles for organizational leadership in a competitive market. Those executives were the samurai of ninth-century Japan, and their rigid code of ethics, known as bushido, was one of the most effective frameworks for management in history. The Code of the Executive is business adviser Don Schmincke's modern interpretation of the Code of the Samurai-ancient wisdom written for today's corporate warriors. These principles provide a dynamic system of practical and moral training for effective leadership. In addition to interactive strategies for relating to the business world, this philosophy provides at its core a guide to the inner development necessary for consistent and long-term success. A terrific gift for a friend, relative, new graduate, or business associate, The Code of the Executive is filled with relevant wisdom and offers an enlightened path to business fulfillment.
Management advisor Don Schmincke believes leaders can thrive in the third millennium by utilizing principles developed during the first. They originate in a moral code known as Bushido that was followed by samurai warriors in ninth-century Japan and formalized by Daidoji Yuzan as the Code of the Samurai some seven centuries later. Now updating them as The Code of the Executive, Schmincke points out parallels between past and present and suggests this connection is a natural. In those days, he writes, the shogun was regulatory government, feudal barons the hard-driving CEOs, real estate their business, and samurai the executives hired to oversee it all. These samurai relied upon their rigid ethical guide to discharge both professional and personal responsibilities favorably, Schmincke notes, and today's corporate leaders can succeed by similarly following its teachings. Dividing fundamentals into categories such as "Personal Principles," "Roles and Responsibilities, and "Education and Development," he shows how ancient wisdom on cooperation, integrity, accountability, sacrifice, power, and so on can apply to contemporary situations. On "Respecting Personnel," for example, he suggests "reasonable argument" be used to "gain agreement" on serious infractions--while "for trivial issues" it is better to be "indulgent and patient and not sweat the insignificant."
--Howard Rothman
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.3 width:(cm)12.7
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