胸部临床解剖实物图谱(第2版) mobi pdf azw3 夸克云 pdb 115盘 lrf 下载

章 胸 壁
图1-1 胸廓前面观 Anterior aspect ofthe thoracic cage
图1-2 胸廓侧面观 Lateral aspect of the thoracic cage
图1-3 胸廓后面观 Posterior aspect ofthe thoracic cage
图1-4 胸骨(前、侧面观) Sternum (anterior and lateral aspects)
图1-5 肋骨
图1-6 胸椎(上面、侧面观) Thoracic vertebra (superior and lateral
图1-7 女性乳腺手术入路切口(一) Incision ofthe female breast surgery (1)
图1-8 女性乳腺手术入路切口(二) Incision of the female
breast surgery (2)
图1-9 女性乳腺(一)Female breast (1)
图1-10 女性乳腺(二)Female breast (2)
图1-11 胸部前外侧手术入路切口(一) Anterolateral incision of the thorax (1)
图1-12 胸部前外侧手术入路切口(二)Anterolateral incision
of the thorax (2)
图1-13 胸大肌Pectoralis major
图1-14 锁胸筋膜、胸小肌 Clavipectoral fascia and
pectoralis minor
图1-15 锁骨下静脉Subclavian vein
图1-16 前锯肌Serratus anterior
图1-17 胸前壁(成人) Anterior wall of the thorax (adult)
图1-18 胸前壁(儿童) Anterior wall of the thorax (child)
图1-19 胸前壁内侧面血管 Blood vessels on the medial surface of the
anterior thoracic wall
图1-20 胸部后外侧手术入路切口(一)Posterolateral
incision of the thorax (1)
图1-21 胸部后外侧手术入路切口(二)Posterolateral incision of the thorax (2)
图1-22 胸部后外侧手术入路切口(三)Posterolateral
incision of the thorax (3)
图1-23 胸背部浅层结构 Superficial structure of the
thoracodorsal region
图1-24 背浅部结构 Superficial structures of
the back
图1-25 胸背部深层结构 Deep structures of the thoracodorsal region
图1-26 胸后壁内侧面血管 Blood vessels on the medial
surface of the posterior thoracic wall
图1-27 膈的左侧面观 Left aspect of the diaphragm
图1-28 膈的右侧面观 Right aspect of the
图1-29 胸前皮瓣(一) Anterior thoracic skin flap (1)
图1-30 胸前皮瓣(二) Anterior thoracic skin flap (2)
图1-31 左胸大肌皮瓣 Skin flap over left pectoralis major
图1-32 右胸大肌皮瓣 Skin flap over right pectoralis major
图1-33 胸大肌皮瓣 Skin flap over pectoralis major
图1-34 胸大肌肌瓣(一)Pectoralis major flap (1)
图1-35 胸大肌肌瓣(二)Pectoralis major flap (2)
图1-36 胸侧皮瓣 Lateral thoracic skin flap
图1-37 肋间皮瓣
Intercostal skin flap
图1-38 前锯肌(皮)瓣Serratus anterior (skin) flap
图1-39 背阔肌(皮)瓣Latissimusdorsi(skin) flap
图1-40 斜方肌皮瓣 Skin flap over trapezius
图1-41 斜方肌皮瓣(X线片)
Skin flap over trapezius (X-ray film)
图1-42 斜方肌肌皮瓣 Trapezius (skin) flap
图1-43 斜方肌瓣(X线片) Trapezius flap (X-ray film)
图1-44 肋骨瓣
Costal bone flap
图1-45 肋软骨(肋弓)瓣 Costal cartilage (costal arch) flap
第二章 胸膜、胸膜腔和肺
图2-1 肋胸膜前面观(带胸廓) Anterior aspect of the
costal pleura (with thoracic cage)
图2-2 肋胸膜左侧面观(带胸廓) Left aspect of the costal
pleura (with thoracic cage)
图2-3 肋胸膜右侧面观(带胸廓) Right aspect of the costal
pleura (with thoracic cage)
图2-4 肋胸膜前面观 Anterior aspect of the costal pleura
图2-5 肋胸膜左侧面观 Left aspect of the costal pleura
图2-6 肋胸膜右侧面观 Right aspect of the costal pleura
图2-7 肋纵隔隐窝Costomediastinal recess
图2-8 肋膈隐窝(左侧面观)Costodiaphragmatic recess (Left
图2-9 肺的位置(前面观) Localization oflungs (anterior aspect)
图2-10 肺的后面观(心包外肺门结构) Posterior aspect of lungs (hilum of lung
outside of the pericardium)
图2-11 肺根结构
Structures of the root of lung
图2-12 左肺根前面观 Anterior aspect of the root
ofleft lung
图2-13 左肺根后面观 Posterior aspect of the root of left lung
图2-14 左侧胸腔大体观(胸腔镜下观)Overview of the left thoracic cavity (VATS)
图2-15 左肺动脉及其分支(胸腔镜下观一) Left pulmonary artery and
图2-16 左肺静脉及其分支(胸腔镜下观二) Left pulmonary vein and
图2-17 左侧肺门结构(心包外) Structures of the left hilum
of lung (outside of the pericardium)
图2-18 左肺门内结构前面观 Anterior aspect of the hilum of left lung
图2-19 左侧肺门内结构 Structures in the hilum of left lung
图2-20 右肺根前面观 Anterior aspect of the root
of right lung
图2-21 右肺根后面观 Posterior aspect of the root of right lung
图2-22 右侧胸腔镜下大体观 overview of the thoracic cavity through VATS
图2-23 右肺动脉及其分支(胸腔镜下观一)Right pulmonary artery and branch(VATS-1)
图2-24 右肺静脉及其分支(胸腔镜下观二)Right pulmonary vein and branch(VATS-2)
图2-25 右侧肺门结构(心包外) Structures of the right
hilum oflung (outside of the pericardium)
图2-26 右侧肺门内结构 Structures of the hilum of right lung
图2-27 右肺尖与胸膜顶 Apex of the right lung and cupula of pleura
图2-28 肺尖、胸膜顶水平切 Horizontal section through
apex of the lung and cupula of pleura 34
图2-29 肺尖与第1肋Apex of lung and the first rib
图2-30 经肺门胸部横断面 Transverse section of the thorax
through the hilum oflung
图2-31 经腋中线胸部冠状切 Coronary section of the thorax through
midaxillary line
图2-32 胸部X线正位片Orthophoria X-ray film of the
图2-33 胸部X线侧位片 Lateral X-ray film of the
第三章 纵隔
图3-1 成人纵隔前面观 Anterior aspect of the mediastinum (adult)
图3-2 儿童纵隔前面观 Anterior aspect of the mediastinum (child)
图3-3 纵隔前面观(肋骨、肺已切除)Anterior aspect of the
(ribs and lungs
were cut off)
图3-4 纵隔前面观(一)(胸骨、肋骨已切除)
Anterior aspect of the mediastinum (1)(sternum and ribs were cut off)
图3-5 纵隔前面观(二)(胸骨、肋骨已切除)
Anterior aspect of the mediastinum (2)(sternum and ribs were cut off)
图3-6 胸腺的形态 Morphology of the thymus
图3-7 纵隔左侧面观(一) Left aspect of the mediastinum (1)
图3-8 纵隔左侧面观(二)Left aspect of the mediastinum (2)
图3-9 纵隔右侧面观(一) Right aspect of the mediastinum (1)
图3-10 纵隔右侧面观(二) Right aspect of the mediastinum (2)
图3-11 后纵隔前面观 Anterior aspect of the posterior mediastinum
图3-12 纵隔后面观 Posterior aspect of the mediastinum
图3-13 纵隔后面观,示左肺根 Posterior aspect of the mediastinum to show
the root of the left lung
图3-14 纵隔后面观,示右肺根 Posterior aspect of the mediastinum to show
the root of the right lung
图3-15 纵隔前面观 Anterior aspect of the mediastinum
图3-16 左侧纵隔胸膜 Left mediastinal pleura
图3-17 右侧纵隔胸膜 Right mediastinal pleura
图3-18 动脉导管三角 Triangle of ductusarteriosus
图3-19 上纵隔结构(一) Structures of the superior mediastinum (1)
图3-20 上纵隔结构(二) Structures of the superior mediastinum (2)
图3-21 前纵隔上部浅层结构 Superficial structures of the upper part of
anterior mediastinum
图3-22 气管、支气管前面观 Anterior aspect of the trachea and bronchi
图3-23 气管、支气管后面观 Posterior aspect of the trachea and bronchi
图3-24 气管隆嵴
Carina oftrachea
图3-25 气管、支气管的位置毗邻 Localization and adjacent structures of the
trachea andbronchi
图3-26 支气管、食管和主动脉的位置 Localization of the bronchi, esophagus and
图3-27 气管、支气管冠状切面 Coronal section of the trachea and bronchi
图3-28 支气管动脉 Arteries of the bronchus
图3-29 支气管的神经分布(后面观) Nerve supply of the bronchus (posterior
图3-30 支气管淋巴结 Bronchial lymph nodes
图3-31 食管的动脉分布(后面观) Arteries of the esophagus (posterior aspect)
图3-32 食管的神经支配(后面观) Nerves of the esophagus (posterior aspect)
图3-33 胸导管胸段(后面观) Thoracic segment ofthoracic duct (posterior
图3-34 心后面观(胸导管) posterior aspect of the
heart(thoracic duct)
图3-35 胸段下腔静脉 Thoracic part of inferior vena cava
图3-36 肺循环的血管 Blood vessels of the pulmonary circulation
图3-37 心底大血管 Great vessels on cardiac base
图3-38 肺循环的血管(升主动脉已切除)
Blood vessels of the pulmonary
circulation (ascending aorta was cut off) 图3-39 肺循环的血管(上腔静脉已切除)
Blood vessels of the pulmonary
circulation (superior vena cava was cut off) 图3-40 动脉韧带 Arterial ligament
图3-41 动脉导管三角(侧面观)Ductusarterious triangle (lateral
图3-42 食管上三角(侧面观) Superior esophagus triangle (lateral aspect)
图3-43 白交通支和灰交通支 White and grey communicating branches
图3-44 心包前面观(一) Anterior aspect of the pericardium (1)
图3-45 心包前面观(二) Anterior aspect of the pericardium (2)
图3-46 心包后面观 Posterior aspect of the pericardium
图3-47 心的外形前面观(心包前部已切除)
Anterior aspect of the heart
(anterior part of the pericardium was cut off)
图3-48 心包后面观(心已取出) Posterior aspect of the pericardium (heart
was taken out)
图3-49 左心房在体后面观 Posterior aspect of the left atrium in
thoracic cavity
图3-50 左心房后面观(心包已切开)
Posterior aspect of the left
atrium (pericardium was opened)
图3-51 成人心的位置前面观 Anterior aspect of the position of adult’s
图3-52 儿童心的位置前面观 Anterior aspect of the position of child’s
图3-53 心前面观(一) Anterior aspect of the heart
图3-54 心前面观(二) Anterior aspect of the heart (2)
图3-55 心右侧面观(一) Right aspect of the heart(1)
图3-56 心右侧面观(二) Right aspect of the heart (2)
图3-57 心左侧面观(一) Left aspect of the heart (1)
图3-58 心左侧面观(二) Left aspect of the heart (2)
图3-59 心后面观(一) Posterior aspect of the heart (1)
图3-60心后面观(二) Posterior aspect of the heart
图3-61心后面观(三) Posterior aspect of the
heart (3)
图3-62 心底面观Basal aspect of the heart
图3-63右心的位置 Localization of theright part of heart
图3-64 右心房和右心室腔 Right atrium and right
ventricle cavity
图3-65 右心房内结构(一) Internal structure of the right atrium(1)
图3-66 右心房内结构(二) Internal structure of the right atrium (2)
图3-67 右心房内结构(三) Internal structures of the right atrium (3)
图3-68 右房室瓣Right atrioventricular valve
图3-69 右房室瓣心房面观 Atrial-side aspect of the right
atrioventricular valve
图3-70 右房室口上面观 Superior aspect of the right ventricular
图3-71 右心房、右心室 Right atrium and right ventricle
图3-72 右心室内结构(一) Internal structures of the rightventricle (1)
图3-73 右心室内结构(二) Internal structures of the right ventricle(2)
图3-74 左、右心室腔Left ventricle and right ventricle
图3-75 右心室流出道结构 Structures of the outflow path of right
图3-76 右心室流出道 Outflow path ofright ventricle
图3-77 右心室流入道和流出道Inflow and outflow path of
right ventricle
图3-78 右心室内节制索(隔缘肉柱)(一)
Moderator band of right ventricle
(septomarginaltrabecula) (1)
图3-79 右心室内节制索(隔缘肉柱)(二)
Moderator band of right ventricle
图3-80 心腔内注射进针的部位和层次
Positions and layers of the
intracavitary administration into the heart
图3-81 室间隔右侧面观 Right aspect of theinterventricular septum
图3-82 室间隔膜部形态(透射照像法一)
Morphology of the membranous
part of interventricular septum (transmission method, 1)
图3-83 室间隔膜部形态(透射照像法二)
Morphology of the membranous
part of interventricular septum (transmission method, 2)
图3-84 室间隔膜部形态(透射照像法三)
Morphology of the membranous
part of interventricular septum (transmission method, 3)
图3-85 室间隔膜部形态(心冠状切面一)
Morphology of the
membranous part of interventricular septum (coronary section, 1)
图3-86 室间隔膜部形态(心冠状切面二)
Morphology of the membranous
part of interventricular septum (coronary section, 2)
图3-87 左心房后面观 Posterior aspect of the left atrium
图3-88 左心房内结构后面观(左心房后壁已切开)
Posterior aspect of the left
atrium (posterior wall of the left atrium was
图3-89 左心房、左心室 Left atrium and left ventricle
图3-90 二尖瓣复合体 Mitral complex
图3-91 左房室口上面观 Superior aspect of the left atrioventricular
图3-92 左房室瓣心室面观Ventriculsurface-side aspect
of the left atrioventricular valve
图3-93 左房室瓣展平观(一) Spread aspect of thethe left
atrioventricular valve (1)
图3-94 左房室瓣展平观(二) Spread aspect of the left
atrioventricular valve (2)
图3-95 左房室瓣心房面观(透射照像法)
Atrial-side aspect of the left
atrioventricular valve (transmission method)
图3-96 左房室瓣心室面观(透射照像法)
Ventricular-side aspect of the
left atrioventricular valve (transmission method)
图3-97 左房室瓣前尖扫描电子显微镜照片,×2000
Anterior cusp of left
atrioventricular valve under scanning electronmicroscopy,×2000
图3-98 二尖瓣前尖扫描电子显微镜照片,剥除瓣膜表面心内膜层,×800
Anterior cusp of left
atrioventricular valve under scanning electronmicroscopy, endocardium has been
divested, ×800
图3-99 二尖瓣前尖扫描电子显微镜照片,矢状切面,×1280
Anterior cusp of left
atrioventricular valve under scanning electronmicroscopic, sagittal section, ×1280
图3-100 二尖瓣前尖组织结构(一) VG染色,石蜡切片,3.2×4
Structure the of anterior cusp
of left atrioventricular valve (1)VG staining,paraffin section, 3.2×4
图3-101 二尖瓣前尖组织结构(二) VG染色,石蜡切片,3.2×4
Structure of the anterior
cusp of left atrioventricular valve (2)VG staining,paraffin section, 3.2×4
图3-102 瓣膜内有髓神经纤维(透射电子显微镜照片),×3000
Myelinated nerve fibers of the valve
transmission electronmicroscopy, ×3000
图3-103 左心室内部结构 Structures of the left ventricle
图3-104 左心室流出道结构(一) Structures of the outflow path ofleft
ventricle (1)
图3-105 左心室流出道结构(二) Structures of the outflow path of left
ventricle (2)
图3-106 左心室流入道和流出道Inflow and outflow path of
left ventricle
图3-107 左心室流入、流出道 Inflow and outflow path ofleft ventricle
图3-108 腱索(一) Chordae tendineae(1)
图3-109 腱索(二) Chordae tendineae(2)
图3-110 腱索(三) Chordae tendineae(3)
图3-111 腱索纵切面观,VG染色,石蜡切片,3.2×4
Longitudinal section of the chordae
tendineae, VG staining,paraffin section, 3.2×4
图3-112 腱索扫描电子显微镜照片(一)示腱索表面内皮细胞排列,×400
Chordinaetendineae under scanning electronmicroscopy (1), showing arrangement
of endothelial cells on chordae tendineae, ×400
图3-113 腱索扫描电子显微镜照片(二),×300
Chordinaetendineae under scanning electronmicroscopy (2), ×300
图3-114 腱索扫描电子显微镜照片(三)示胶原纤维的形态,×1960
Chordinaetendineae under scanning electronmicroscopy (3), showing morphology
of collagenous fibers, ×1960
图3-115 腱索扫描电子显微镜照片(四)示弹力纤维,×3000
Chordinaetendineae under scanning electronmicroscopy (4), showing elastic
fibers, ×3000
图3-116 心房肌、心室肌后面观Posterior aspect of the
atrial and ventricular myocardium
图3-117 右心房肌(前外侧面观) Right atrium (anterolateral aspect)
图3-118 心房肌(前上面观) Atrial myocardium(anterosuperior aspect)
图3-119 心肌袖组织切片(VG染色) Slice of myocardial sleeve(VG staining)
图3-120 心纤维环(上面观) Fibrous ring of heart(superior aspect)
图3-121 心室肌(后面观)Venticular myocardium(posterior aspect)
图3-122 心室肌的排列层次(左心室前外侧壁)
Layers of ventricular
myocardium(anterolateral wall of left ventricle)
图3-123 心尖部心肌的形态 Morphology of the cardiac apical myocardium
图3-124 心室肌横切面 Cross section of the ventricular myocardium
图3-125 左心室肌矢状切面 Longitudinal section of the left ventricular
图3-126 左心室肌(透射电子显微镜照片),×4000
Myocardium of the left
ventricle (transmission electronmicroscopic
photo), ×4000
图3-127 心浅丛 Superficial cardiac plexus
图3-128 窦房结的位置(一)Position of the sinuatrial node (1)
图3-129 窦房结的位置(二)石蜡切片,H-E染色,3.3×4
Position of thesinuatrial node (2) Paraffin section, H-E staining, 3.3×4
图3-130 房室结的位置 Position of theatrioventricular node
图3-131 房室结的动脉(起始于右冠状动脉)
Artery of the atrioventricular
node (arising from right coronary artery)
图3-132 房室结的位置,Masson染色,×40
Position of theatrioventricular
node, Masson staining, ×40
图3-133 心肌袖(心房肌)内的传导组织 箭头示传导组织,横纹不发达
Conducting tissue in the
myocardial sleeve (atrial muscle)
Arrows show the conducting
tissue with incompletely developed striations
图3-134 心肌袖(心房肌)传导组织内的P细胞 透射电子显微镜照片,×5000
P cell in the conducting
tissue of myocardial sleeve (atrial myocardium), transmission electronmicroscopic photo, ×5000
图3-135 右心房动脉(上面观) Arteries of the right atrium (superior aspect)
图3-136 右心房动脉(前外侧面观)Arteries of the right
atrium(anterolateral aspect)
图3-137 左心房动脉(上面观) Arteries of the left atrium (superior aspect)
图3-138 左心房动脉(前面观) Arteries of the left atrium (anterior aspect)
图3-139 左心房动脉(后面观一) Arteries of the left atrium (posterior aspect
图3-140 左心房动脉(后面观二) Arteries of the left atrium (posterior aspect
图3-141 左冠状动脉(心房已切除) Left coronary artery (atria have been resected)
图3-142 左冠状动脉左前外侧面观(一)
Left anterolateral aspect of
the left coronary artery (1)
图3-143 左冠状动脉左前外侧面观(二)
Left anterolateral aspect of the left coronary artery (2)
图3-144 左冠状动脉左前外侧面观(三)
Left anterolateral aspect of
the left coronary artery (3)
图3-145 左冠状动脉左前外侧面观(四)
Left anterolateral aspect of
the left coronary artery (4)
图3-146 右冠状动脉前面观 Anterior aspect of the right coronary artery
图3-147 心肌桥(左室前壁) Myocardial bridge (anterior wall of left
图3-148 心尖部的动脉吻合 Arterial anastomosis of the cardiac apex
图3-149 乳头肌血供 Blood supply of the papillary muscles
图3-150 乳头肌血供(钼靶X线片)
Blood supply of the papillary muscles (molybdenum target X-ray film)
图3-151 动脉圆锥支Branch of arterialconus
图3-152 心室膈面的动脉分布(左优势型一)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (left-dominant type 1 )
图3-153 心室膈面的动脉分布(左优势型二)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (left-dominant type 2 )
图3-154 心室膈面动脉分布(右优势型一)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (right-dominant type 1 )
图3-155 心室膈面动脉分布(右优势型二)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (right-dominant type 2 )
图3-156 心室膈面动脉分布(右优势型三)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (right-dominant type 3 )
图3-157 心室膈面动脉分布(右优势型四)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (right-dominant type 4 )
图3-158 心室膈面动脉分布(均衡型一)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (balanced type 1 )
图3-159 心室膈面动脉分布(均衡型二)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (balanced type 2)
图3-160 心室膈面动脉分布(均衡型三)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (balanced type 3)
图3-161 心室膈面动脉分布(均衡型四)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (balanced type 4)
图3-162 心室膈面动脉分布(均衡型五)
Arteries of the diaphragmatic surface of
ventricles (balanced type 5 )
图3-163 胸部动脉铸型Cast of the thoracic arteries
图3-164 心冠状动脉数字减影血管造影图 DSA of the coronary artery
图3-165 心大静脉
Great cardiac vein
图3-166 左缘静脉
Left marginal vein
图3-167 冠状窦(一) Coronary sinus (1)
图3-168 冠状窦(二) Coronary sinus (2)
图3-169 心的血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the
heart (anterior aspect)
图3-170 心的血管铸型(后面观)Vascular cast of the heart
(posterior aspect)
图3-171 心的横切面(经冠状沟平面)
Transverse section of the heart (through coronary sulcus level)
图3-172 心的冠状切面(经主动脉瓣)
Coronary section
of the heart (through aortic valve)
图3-173 心的冠状切面(经肺动脉干)
Coronary section of the heart
(through pulmonary trunk)
图3-174 胸上部水平切面
Transverse section of the superior part of
图3-175 经肺动脉干胸部横断面
Transverse section of the thorax through pulmonary trunk
图3-176 经动脉圆锥的胸部冠状切面
Coronary section of the thorax through conusarteriosus
图3-177 经升主动脉的胸部冠状切面
Coronary section of the thorax through ascending aorta
图3-178 经室间隔的胸部矢状切面
Sagittal section of the thorax through interventricular septum
图3-179 经主动脉根部的CT检查(X线片)
X-ray film of the CT examination through the root of aorta
图3-180 右前瓣斜位心长轴MRI检查(X线片)
Right anterior oblique section through long axis of the heart (X-ray
film of MRI examination)
图3-181 体轴冠状位的MRI检查(X线片)
X-ray film of MRI examination through coronary axis of body
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