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"As a practitioner and thought leader, Paul Niven is superbly bridging the gulf between BSC theory and application through hands-on experiences and real-world case studies. The book provides a practical road map, step-by-step, to plan, execute, and sustain a winning scorecard campaign. Easy to read . . . tells a powerful story with lessons learned/best practices from global customer implementations. Must-read for anyone interested in BSC or grappling with how to create a strategically aligned organization."—Vik Torpunuri, President and CEO, e2e Analytix.
"In Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step, Second Edition, Paul Niven provides an intuitive and incredibly effective blueprint for transitioning strategic ambition to execution. Paul's pragmatic approach provides leaders with a tool for managing a company's journey from strategic ideas to world-class performance. The Balanced Scorecard is a masterful tool for guiding companies through transformation, and I speak from personal experience when I say Paul's blueprint works! It is the most effective guide I have seen. Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step will serve any leader well if their ambition is to efficiently engage their teams in achieving a set of strategic goals."—Allan A. MacDonald, Vice President, Sales and Customer Solutions Bell Canada National Markets
Chapter 1 Pcrfotmance Mcasmement and the Needd for a Balncde Scorecard
Chapter 2 Getti~ig S carted
Chapter 3 Mission,Values Vision and strategy
Chapter 4 Su ateg}M c Lps
Chapter 5 Cteating performanec Mcasues
Chapter 6 Setti ng Iargets and prioritzing lnitiatives
Chapter 7 Cascading the Balanced Scorccmd to Build Oganizational Alignnlent
Chapter 8 UsilIg the Balan(ed Scol ecald to Stl ategically Allocate Resources
Chapter 9 Additional Balanced Scolecmd Linkages:Compensatioin and Corporate Governance
Chapter 10 Reporting Balanced Scotecald Reslts
hapter 11 Mmntainmg the Balaliced Scol ecard
Chapter 12 Gon~luding Thoughts on Balanced
Scorccad Success
Book Description
Organizations worldwide have employed the Balanced Scorecard and yielded swift benefits—including increased financial returns, greater employee alignment with overall goals, improved collaboration, and an unrelenting focus on strategy, to name just a few—from this revolutionary methodology. Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step, Second Edition enables your organization to reap these rewards with a strategy-focused plan including steps on: determining your guiding rationale for using the scorecard; testing your mission; building a strategy map; developing measures and targets; placing the scorecard at the center of your management system; and sustaining your success.
Updated and enhanced with the latest Balanced Scorecard topics, this influential book empowers your organization to turn strategy into performance at every organizational level and translate your intangible resources, such as innovation, customer relationships, and intellectual capital, into real value. The Second Edition of Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step includes updated case studies as well as new and expanded coverage on:
* Strategy maps, the powerful communication tools that convey to the entire workforce (and beyond) what is most critical in executing the organization's strategy
* The linkage between the Balanced Scorecard and corporate governance
* The critical importance of "strategy-centered" management meetings
* The emerging trend of the Office of Strategy Management
* The latest trends in Balanced Scorecard implementation methodology
* Post-implementation guidance
Sharing his extensive experience in developing Balanced Scorecards for Fortune 500, public sector, and not-for-profit organizations, Paul Niven takes you through the complete Balanced Scorecard journey—from creating powerful new performance measures that drive the execution of your strategy, to the tools necessary to make the Scorecard the cornerstone of your management processes. Whether you are a CEO, CFO, CIO, a vice president, a division or department manager, or a business consultant, Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step, Second Edition allows you to efficiently execute your organization's strategy and successfully compete in today's business environment.
From the Back Cover
In Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step, Paul Niven shares his extensive experience in developing Balanced Scorecards for Fortune 1000, public sector, and not-for-profit organizations. The reader quickly learns that a Balanced Scorecard implementation is more than a "metrics" project, that it touches many critical organizational processes. Through detailed step-by-step discussions, Niven provides insight on and practical solutions for: developing performance objectives and measures that faithfully translate strategy, generating executive support, and assembling the right team. Readers also learn how to ensure the Balanced Scorecard becomes an integral component of their management systems by cascading it to all levels of the organization, aligning budgets and compensation with strategy, reporting results with software, and putting in place systems to ensure lasting success.
"Paul Niven, through his experience as project leader at the excellent and highly successful implementation at Nova Scotia Power, and subsequently as a Balanced Scorecard consultant, is one of the few who can talk and write knowledgeably about how to make the Scorecard happen in an organization. Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step guides readers through the processes required for a successful Balanced Scorecard project. In addition, he shows how to become a strategy-focused organization by imbedding the Balanced Scorecard into critical organizational processes."
—From the Foreword by Robert S. Kaplan
"This is the Balanced Scorecard journey, told step-by-step by one who has traveled the BSC road many times. Paul Niven is not just a sideline cheerleader for the BSC; he is someone who rolls up his sleeves and has what it takes to fine-tune BSC performance promises. A must-read for anyone considering or already on the BSC journey."
—Catherine Stenzel, Editor, Journal of Cost Management
Book Dimension
length: (cm)23.3 width:(cm)16.2
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