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Busting Loose From The Business Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies For Recreating Yourself, Your Team, Your Customers, Your Business, And Everything In Bet 9780470453087电子书下载地址
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The Business Game--here's how you can win Are you a business
owner, manager, or employee who struggles with: Taxes, cash flow,
sales, and profits Marketing and advertising effectiveness Hiring,
motivating, and managing talent The economy, stock market, and
competitors Bosses, boards, stockholders and partners Never-ending
to-do lists and sacrificing your quality of life to succeed? If you
answered "yes" to any of these, you've been playing The Business
Game and suffering the consequences. Even if you're rolling in
profits right now, there are hidden costs you're paying to earn
that money--money that's always at risk. You learned "the rules"
and you've been faithful to them, thinking you can win. But you
can't really win The Business Game, because it's "designed" to be
unwinnable--that is, as long as you play by the rules you were
taught. The only way to truly win is to bust loose from the "old"
game and start playing a new game with a new set of rules. This
book helps you discover who you really are, what you're really
capable of, and how you can tap new sources of power, wisdom, and
abundance to radically transform your experience of business. When
you bust loose from the old game, you'll suddenly be playing a new
game: For the sheer pleasure of playing, with no worries about
sales, marketing, profits, cash flow, taxes, other people, or
personal income Entirely unaffected by the economy, stock market,
competitors, or technological innovation Having more fun with less
effort than you've ever experienced Doing only what you love to
do--all day, every day Watching as amazing results come your way,
without having to "make it happen" It may sound unbelievable, but
it's entirely possible. You "can" do it--if you open your mind and
embrace the strategies in this book. "Busting Loose from The
Business Game" leads you into a New Business Game filled with
results and satisfaction beyond anything you've ever imagined
possible. Read on... and bust loose
CHAPTER 2 The Big Truth. CHAPTER 3 The Fantasy Factory. CHAPTER 4
Dropping Anchors. CHAPTER 5 The Physics of Fiction. CHAPTER 6 The
Two Ps. CHAPTER 7 The Many Faces of Power. CHAPTER 8 The Myth of
Cause and Effect. CHAPTER 9 Redefining the Nature of Business.
CHAPTER 10 The Sun and Clouds Effect. CHAPTER 11 Assembling the
Drill-Part 1. CHAPTER 12 Assembling the Drill-Part 2. CHAPTER 13
Stranger in a Strange Land. CHAPTER 14 When the Going Gets Tough.
CHAPTER 15 Recreating Yourself, Your Team, Your Customers, Your
Business, and Everything In Between. CHAPTER 16 Red Pill or Blue
Robert Scheinfeld is the New York Times bestselling author of
the Wiley titles Busting Loose from The Money Game and The 11th
Element , as well as The Invisible Path to Success. For more than
twenty years, he has helped people in more than 190 countries
create extraordinary results in less time, with less effort, and
with much more fun. His passion is helping others bust loose from
their limitations so they can create and enjoy their ideal
Are You Ready to Play the "New" Business Game? Hallmarks of the
"old" business game: Get results, no matter what price you pay
Vulnerability to people and forces beyond your control Scarcity
Endless to-do lists Fear, stress, pressure, and constant struggle
Hallmarks of the "new" business game: Extraordinary results without
paying a price People and outside forces aligned to support you
Abundance To-do lists that get completed effortlessly Fun, joy,
calm, and relaxation Don't just "think outside the box"--dynamite
the box and leap into The New Business Game "The picture Robert
paints for you in the pages that follow may surprise, delight, and
excite you in what you instantly recognize as extremely positive
ways. It may also shock you, disturb you, and seem unbelievable or
even crazy to you. Regardless of what your reaction may be,
initially and over time, this book will open your eyes to many new
possibilities. It will stretch and challenge you in powerful ways
and open new doors of opportunity for you." --From the Foreword by
John Assaraf, "New York Times" bestselling author of "The Answer"
"I approach business no longer from a perspective of scarcity but
from abundance. I see the game of business not as war, where any
opposition must be wiped out, but as a game in which each player is
in a dynamic interplay of offense and defense." --Karl Edmunds,
Managing Principal, DMG Financial
The Business Game--here's how you can win Are you a business owner, manager, or employee who struggles with: Taxes, cash flow, sales, and profits Marketing and advertising effectiveness Hiring, motivating, and managing talent The economy, stock market, and competitors Bosses, boards, stockholders and partners Never-ending to-do lists and sacrificing your quality of life to succeed? If you answered "yes" to any of these, you've been playing The Business Game and suffering the consequences. Even if you're rolling in profits right now, there are hidden costs you're paying to earn that money--money that's always at risk. You learned "the rules" and you've been faithful to them, thinking you can win. But you can't really win The Business Game, because it's "designed" to be unwinnable--that is, as long as you play by the rules you were taught. The only way to truly win is to bust loose from the "old" game and start playing a new game with a new set of rules. This book helps you discover who you really are, what you're really capable of, and how you can tap new sources of power, wisdom, and abundance to radically transform your experience of business. When you bust loose from the old game, you'll suddenly be playing a new game: For the sheer pleasure of playing, with no worries about sales, marketing, profits, cash flow, taxes, other people, or personal income Entirely unaffected by the economy, stock market, competitors, or technological innovation Having more fun with less effort than you've ever experienced Doing only what you love to do--all day, every day Watching as amazing results come your way, without having to "make it happen" It may sound unbelievable, but it's entirely possible. You "can" do it--if you open your mind and embrace the strategies in this book. "Busting Loose from The Business Game" leads you into a New Business Game filled with results and satisfaction beyond anything you've ever imagined possible. Read on... and bust loose
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