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人群中的脸Faces in the Crowd书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9788876240690
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2005-05
  • 页数:384
  • 价格:431.20
  • 纸张:铜版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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"The apparition of these faces in the crowd;petals on a wet, black bough."Ezra Pound’s celebrated haiku gives a powerful evocation of the individual immersed within the crowd, of a moment of stillness in the bustle of the modern metropolis. It has provided the title for an exhibition that explores the condition of modernity through figurative art. Taking Edouard Manet as its starting point and moving through the work of major painters and sculptors such as Ensor,Boccioni, Duchamp, Kollwitz, Kirchner,Beckmann, Magritte, Picasso, Hopper,Warhol Hamilton, Pistoletto, Richter,Acconci, Sherman, SchEitte, Ofili and Kentridge, as well as photographers such as Atget, BrassaY, Evans, Levitt, Arnold,Weegee, GiacomeUi, Goldin and Ke/ta, Faces in the Crowd traces a history of avant-garde figuration from the 1870s to today through the works of one hundred artists. The great revolutions in twentieth century art tend to be associated with abstraction. Yet there is a paraUel history, which is equally radical Manet’s vividly realist scenarios or Jeff Wa/Vs cinematic tableaux offer a compelling pictorial illusion of the modern.By contrast, Edvard Munch or Francis Bacon present a tortured or exhilarated inner life.For Alexandr Rodchenko, the figure can be an agent of social change, revolutionary,transgressive or symbolic. This catalogue accompanies the exhibition organised by the Whitechapel Gallery and the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art. With new essays by Iwona Blazwick and Carolyn

Christov-Bakargiev, curators, as well as by Ester Coen, Chartes Harrison, and Jill Lloyd, this catalogue includes an anthology of quotes and writings by authors including Baudelaire, Poe, Benjamin, Le Bon, Simmel,Freud, Adorno, Canetti, Arendt, Walt and Buck-Morss.


Faces in the Crowd Iwona Btazwick VoZti nella folla

Radical Visions of Modern Lee Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev visioni radicaU della vita modema

we will Sing of Greot Crowds Ester Coen Canteremo le grandi.folle

Looking Out, Looking In Charles Harrison Sguardi da dentro, sguardi da fuofi

ndividuals in Threat of Extinction Jill LLoyd Individui a nschio d’estinzione

A Note on Manet’s Masked Ball at the Opera Jeft Wall Nota sul Ba[[o in maschera all’Onera di klnnpt :

Ezra Pound

Virqinia Wootf

edouard Manet

Linda NochLin

Henri de TouLouse-Lautrec

Edvard Munch

3ames Ensor

Eugene ALger

Edgar ALLan Poe

Charles BaudeLaire

Walter Benjamin

T. J. CLark

Paul Vatery

FiLippo Tommaso Marinetti

Gustave Le Bon

Georg SimmeL

Henri Bergson

WaLter Sickert

Kathe KoLLwitz

Umberto Boccioni

CarLo Carr&Pablo Picasso

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

George Grosz

Marcel Duchamp

Man Raiy

David Bomberg

Fernand Leger

Edward Hopper

ALexandr Rodchenko

Gyorgy Lukacs

Gustav Klucis

Tina Modotti

Charles SheeLer & Paul Strand

Dziga Vertoy

Georst Sange Bellows

Jack Butler Yeats

August Sander

Roland Barthes

Claude Cahun

Max Beckmann

John Heartfield

Walker Evans

John Roberts

Helen Levitt

Robert Capa

Henri Cartier-Bresson


Eve Arnold

Rene Burri

Garry Wompgramd

Rene Magritte

Francis Bacon

Alberto Giacometti

Eduardo Paolozzi

Jean Dubuffet

Andy Warhol Michelangelo Pistoletto

Richard Hamition














“The apparition of these faces in the crowd; petals on a wet, black bough.” ― Ezra Pound

Pound’s celebrated haiku powerfully evokes the situation of the individual in the metropolis: personalities suspended in a moment within the life of the city. The Whitechapel Gallery, London and Castello di Rivoli in Turin, Italy organized Faces in the Crowd as an exploration of this condition of modernity seen in realist art, especially art of the human face and form. The exhibition and its catalog trace a history of avant-garde figuration from a new perspective.

Taking Manet’s The Masked Ball at the Opera as its starting point, the book focuses on his contemporaries such as Degas and then moves through the twentieth century to artists of today. Some artworks represent a dramatic rupture with the past proposing radical and innovative modern forms and structures. Others picture modern life or its impact on our inner selves. Others consider art as an agent for further social change. All the works include critical and bibliographical entries, plus a selection of extracts from historical documents and artists writings from the 19th-century to today. Taken together this art fully illuminates its theme in which representations of the human figure are seen as expressions of modernity.

Exhibition schedule:

The Whitechapel Art Gallery, London

December 3, 2004 — February 28, 2005

Castello di Rivoli, Turin

April 4, 2005 — July 10, 2005


  • 故事情节:4分

  • 人物塑造:6分

  • 主题深度:7分

  • 文字风格:9分

  • 语言运用:6分

  • 文笔流畅:5分

  • 思想传递:3分

  • 知识深度:9分

  • 知识广度:9分

  • 实用性:9分

  • 章节划分:3分

  • 结构布局:9分

  • 新颖与独特:8分

  • 情感共鸣:7分

  • 引人入胜:6分

  • 现实相关:6分

  • 沉浸感:5分

  • 事实准确性:3分

  • 文化贡献:6分


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  • 下载便捷性:5分


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