(勃拉姆斯《爱之歌》、《柴达斯舞曲》:四独唱加钢琴伴奏)The Complete Liebeslieder and Zigeunerlieder mobi pdf azw3 夸克云 pdb 115盘 lrf 下载

(勃拉姆斯《爱之歌》、《柴达斯舞曲》:四独唱加钢琴伴奏)The Complete Liebeslieder and Zigeunerlieder精美图片
》(勃拉姆斯《爱之歌》、《柴达斯舞曲》:四独唱加钢琴伴奏)The Complete Liebeslieder and Zigeunerlieder电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

(勃拉姆斯《爱之歌》、《柴达斯舞曲》:四独唱加钢琴伴奏)The Complete Liebeslieder and Zigeunerlieder书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780486294100
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1997-04
  • 页数:128
  • 价格:95.10
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  A master of the art song, Brahms extended his exceptional artistry to the delightful solo vocal quartets contained in this volume. Included are the Liebeslieder, Op. 5"2, 18 songs for vocal quartet (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) and piano four hands; Neue Liebeslieder, Op. 65, 14 songs and a dosing piece for the same ensemble; and Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, 11 songs for vocal quartet and piano (one player).

Of the two sets of Liebeslieder, Grove's Dictionary remarks: "The former shows Brahms in his most genial Viennese vein . . . and some of the quieter pieces are unexpectedly touching. The second set is rather more sombre in colouring and ends with a remark- ably beautiful finale, to words by Goethe, in which the dance rhythm seems to fade away in the distance." The Zigeunerlieder elicit this comment: "... the general atmosphere of the music is essentially Brahmsian... and most delightful in quality."


Alphabetical List of First Lines

German Tempo Words in the Scores

Texts and Translations

LIEBESLIEDER (Op. 52 / 1868-9) Love songs: Wakzes for four solo voices and piano four hands on texts from Georg Friedrich Daumer's Polydora

 1. Rede, Maidchen, allzu liebes·Speak, girl whom I love all too well

 2. Am Gesteine rauscht die Flut·The stream dashes against the stones

 3a. O die Frauen·Oh, women [TB, in A major]

 3b. O die Frauen·Oh, women [the same, in B-flat major)

 4. Wie des Abends sch6ne R6te·Like the beautiful redglow of evening [SA]

 5. Die griine Hopfenranke·Thegreen hopvine

 6. Ein kleiner, hubscher Vogel nahm den Flug·A little pretty bird tookflight

 7. Wohl schon bewandt·Previously my life was a quite pleasant one [S or A]

 8. Wenn so lind dein Auge mir·When your eyes look at me

 9. Am Donaustrande·On the banks of the Danube

 10. O wie sanft die Quelle sich·Oh, howgently the stream winds its way

 11. Nein, es ist nicht auszukommen·No, there's just no dealing with people

 12. Schlosser auf, und mache Schlosser·Locksmith, come, and make locks

 13. V6gelein durchrauscht die Luft·The little bird flutters through the air [SA]

 14. Sieh, wie ist die Welle klar·See how dear the waters are [TB]

 15. Nachtigall, sie singt so schon·The nightingale sings so beautifully

 16. Ein dunkeler Schacht ist Liebe·Love is a dark shaft

 17. Nicht wandle, mein Licht·Light of my life IT]

 18. Es bebet das Gestraiuche·The bushes are quivering

NEUE LIEBESLIEDER (Op. 65 / 1874) New Love Songs: Waltzes for four solo voices and piano four hands on texts from Georg Friedrich Daumer's Polydora and by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

 1. Verzicht, o Herz, auf Rettung·My heart, renounce hopes of being saved

 2. Finstere Schatten der Nacht·Dark shades of night

 3a. An jeder Hand die Finger·Myfingers on either hand IS, in A major]

 3b. An jeder Hand die Finger·Myfingers on either hand [the same, in F major]

 4. Ihr schwarzen Augen·You dark eyes [B]

 5. Wahre, wahre deinen Sohn·My lady neighbor, protect your son [A]

 6. Rosen steckt mir an die Mutter·My motherpins roses on me IS]

 7. Vom Gebirge Well auf Well·From the mountains, wave after wave

 8. Weiche Graser im Revier·Softgrass all around

 9. Nagen am Herzen·I feel a poison gnawing at my heart IS]

 10. Ich kose suB mit der und der·Isweetly caress thisgirl and that IT]

 11. Alles, alles in den Wind·Everything, everything you say to me IS]

 12. Schwarzer Wald~ Dark forest

 13. Nein, Geliebter·No, sweetheart [SA]

 14. Flammenauge, dunkles Haar·Eyes offlame, dark hair

 15. Zum SchlulB·In conclusion

ZIGEUNERLIEDER (Op. 103 / 1887) Gypsy Songs: For four solo voices and piano [one player] on texts from the Hungarian by Hugo Conrat

 1. He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein!·Hey, Gypsy, playyour violin!

 2. Hochgeturrnte Rimaflut·River Rima with your towering banks

 3. WilBt ihr, wann mein Kindchen·Do you know when my darling is most beautiful?

 4. Lieber Gott, du weitBt, wie oft·Dear God, you know how often

 5. Brauner Bursche·A suntanned lad

 6. R6slein dreie in der Reihe·Three little roses in a row

 7. Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn·Do you sometimes recall to mind

 8. Horch, der Wind klagt·Listen, the wind is wailing

 9. Weit und breit·Far and wide

 10. Mond verhullt sein Angesicht·The moon conceals its face

 11. Rote Abendwolken·Red evening clouds












Treasury of delightful solo vocal quartets: Liebeslieder , Op. 52, 18 songs for vocal quartet (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) and piano four hands; Neue Liebeslieder , Op. 65, 14 songs and a closing piece for the same ensemble; and Zigeunerlieder , Op. 103, 11 songs for vocal quartet and piano (one player).


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