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Tears and Saints书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780226106748
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1998-07-06
  • 页数:154
  • 价格:USD 15.00
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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By the mid-1930s, Emil Cioran was already known as a leader of a new generation of politically committed Romanian intellectuals. Researching another, more radical book, Cioran was spending hours in a library poring over the lives of saints. As a modern hagiographer, Cioran “dreamt” himself “the chronicler of these saints’ falls between heaven and earth, the intimate knower of the ardors in their hearts, the historian of God’s insomniacs.” Inspired by Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil, Cioran “searched for the origin of tears.” He asked himself if saints could be “the sources of tears’ better light.”

“Who can tell?” he wrote in the first paragraph of this book, first published in Romania in 1937. “To be sure, tears are their trace. Tears did not enter the world through the saints; but without them we would never have known that we cry because we long for a lost paradise.” By following in their traces, “wetting the soles of one’s feet in their tears,” Cioran hoped to understand how a human being can renounce being human. Written in Cioran’s characteristic aphoristic style, this flamboyant, bold, and provocative book is one of his most important—and revelatory—works.

Cioran focuses not on martyrs or heroes but on the mystics—primarily female—famous for their keening spirituality and intimate knowledge of God. Their Christianity was anti-theological, anti-institutional, and based solely on intuition and sentiment. Many, such as Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, and Saint John of the Cross, have produced classic works of mystical literature; but Cioran celebrates many more minor and unusual figures as well.

Following Nietzsche, he focuses explicitly on the political element hidden in saints’ lives. In his hands, however, their charitable deeds are much less interesting than their thirst for pain and their equally powerful capacity to endure it. Behind their suffering and their uncanny ability to renounce everything through ascetic practices, Cioran detects a fanatical will to power.

“Like Nietzsche, Cioran is an important religious thinker. His book intertwines God and music with passion and tears. . . . [Tears and Saints] has a chillingly contemporary ring that makes this translation important here and now.”—Booklist




E. M. Cioran (1911-1995) was born and educated in Romania and lived in Paris from 1937 until his death. He is the author of numerous works, including On the Heights of Despair, also available from the University of Chicago Press.






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眷恋表象的秉性使我们大多数人执着于生命。它使我们摆脱了圣洁。p 19


“玫瑰,你散发着赤裸圣女撩人的香气。”(里尔克)p 25

莫扎特的优雅中有葬礼的回声:谁不曾觉察,谁就不知优雅乃是对悲伤的凯旋,不知世上只有忧郁的优雅。p 25

忧郁由其完整的序列:从一个微笑、一片风景开始,以一口破钟在灵魂中铿然作响告终。p 27

有些悲伤会在人的灵魂中投下隐修院的阴影。透过这种悲伤,我们开始懂得圣徒。尽管圣徒可能想陪我们直到苦涩的极限,但他们不能;他们在半途遗弃了我们,置我们于凄凉和悔恨。圣徒之心的中轴固定在上帝之中,斜度和我们截然不同。p 38


想到夜晚的孤独,还有这孤独的剧痛,我就渴望在圣徒所不知的路上漫游。往何处去,往何处去?就连灵魂外面也有深渊。p 81


孤独就好像是荒芜的怒海之底,激流在那里漫卷骇浪,仿佛要把我们存在的屏障悉数摧毁。p 99

泪水穿透大地,在另一片天空中上升为点点繁星。真想知道是谁哭出了我们的繁星?p 108...








By the mid-1930s, Emil Cioran was already known as a leader of a new generation of politically committed Romanian intellectuals. Researching another, more radical book, Cioran was spending hours in a library poring over the lives of saints. As a modern hagiographer, Cioran “dreamt” himself “the chronicler of these saints’ falls between heaven and earth, the intimate knower of the ardors in their hearts, the historian of God’s insomniacs.” Inspired by Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil, Cioran “searched for the origin of tears.” He asked himself if saints could be “the sources of tears’ better light.”

“Who can tell?” he wrote in the first paragraph of this book, first published in Romania in 1937. “To be sure, tears are their trace. Tears did not enter the world through the saints; but without them we would never have known that we cry because we long for a lost paradise.” By following in their traces, “wetting the soles of one’s feet in their tears,” Cioran hoped to understand how a human being can renounce being human. Written in Cioran’s characteristic aphoristic style, this flamboyant, bold, and provocative book is one of his most important—and revelatory—works.

Cioran focuses not on martyrs or heroes but on the mystics—primarily female—famous for their keening spirituality and intimate knowledge of God. Their Christianity was anti-theological, anti-institutional, and based solely on intuition and sentiment. Many, such as Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, and Saint John of the Cross, have produced classic works of mystical literature; but Cioran celebrates many more minor and unusual figures as well.

Following Nietzsche, he focuses explicitly on the political element hidden in saints’ lives. In his hands, however, their charitable deeds are much less interesting than their thirst for pain and their equally powerful capacity to endure it. Behind their suffering and their uncanny ability to renounce everything through ascetic practices, Cioran detects a fanatical will to power.

“Like Nietzsche, Cioran is an important religious thinker. His book intertwines God and music with passion and tears. . . . [Tears and Saints] has a chillingly contemporary ring that makes this translation important here and now.”—Booklist


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