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If you want to create a lean, mean, working machine in today's
environment you need a game plan for building employee morale and
commitment. By coaching and mentoring your work force--instead of
implementing staid traditional management techniques--you'll start
to see tremendous results. Regardless of where you find yourself on
the corporate ladder and what level of authority you carry, what
you and other managers share in common is the responsibility for
the performance of others. "Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies" can
open your eyes to this innovative way of managing and show you the
best way to get the most out of those who work for you. "Coaching
and Mentoring For Dummies" provides the foundation for
understanding what business coaching is all about, and helps you
gain or improve the coaching skills that drive employee performance
and commitment. These skills, which serve as the main topics of
this book, involve: getting employees to deliver the results you
need; guiding employees to think and do for themselves; motivating
employees to take on responsibility and perform effectively; and
growing employee capabilities that lead to career development and
success You'll also discover how to: Use questions rather than
commands Be a delegator, not a doer Complete performance reviews
without anxiety Grow your employees' talents Increase productivity
and decrease turnover With "Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies" as
your guide, you can start to put these techniques and tools to work
for you and inspire your employees in ways you never imagined. From
tried-and-true worksheets to tools that you can tailor to you own
situation, this friendly guide helps you call all the right plays
with regards to your employees. Forget about micromanaging When you
become a coach, you'll be surprised by the tasks your group can
perform.The fun and easy guide to today's hottest trends in
management training, "Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies" shows
managers how to take advantage of these state-of-the-art management
tools -- without spending hundreds of dollars on training seminars
This book features Guidance on being a coach rather than a doer"
and giving feedback in a positive way Advice on motivating,
grooming, and growing employees Tips on tackling diversity issues,
performance reviews, and other challenges Put these techniques and
tools to work and inspire your employees in ways you never
imagined. Forget about micromanaging When you become a coach,
you'll be surprised by the tasks your group can perform.
Introduction. PART I: Building Employee Commitment through
Coaching. Chapter
: Get Off the Bench and Be the Coach! Chapter
: Laying a Foundation that Builds Commitment. Chapter
: Coaching and Managing Diversity. Chapter
: Finding the Time to Stay Connected. PART II: Performance Coaching
for Results. Chapter
: Giving Constructive Feedback, Not Praise and Criticism.
: Setting Performance Plans the SMART Way. Chapter
: Taking the Blues Out of Reviews. PART III: The Fine Art of
Mentoring and Tutoring. Chapter
: The Do's and Don'ts of Mentoring and Tutoring. Chapter
: Don't Tell, but Do Ask: Tutoring with Questions. Chapter
0: Taking Them under Your Wing. PART IV: Motivating and Empowering
Your Staff. Chapter
1: Motivation -- Not Inspiration or Perspiration. Chapter
2: Seven Practical Strategies to Motivate Employees. Chapter
3: Don't Try To Do It All Yourself -- Delegate. PART V: Grooming
and Growing Your Employees. Chapter
4: Knowing When -- and How -- to Train. Chapter
5: Building Career Self-Reliance. Chapter
6: Making the Plan: Coaching For Development. PART VI: The Part of
Tens. Chapter
7: Ten Coaching Myths. Chapter
8: Ten Skills That Strengthen Your Foundation for Coaching.
9: Ten Management Behaviors to Avoid. Chapter
0: Ten (er,
0) Ways to Build Commitment through Coaching. Index. Book
Registration Information.
Marty Brounstein, is an author, speaker, and management
consultant who specializes in practical applications of coaching
"An absolute must read for any business leader." Norman J.
Schoenfeld, Executive Vice President, Meyer Corporation Praise for
Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies(R) "I put the skills presented
in Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies into practice and it's the
smartest management decision I've ever made! The material contained
in this book works!" -- Dennis J. Sparacino, Recreation Services
Deputy Director, City of Fremont Put today's proven management
techniques to work for you Your game plan for building employee
morale and commitment Find out the benefits of coaching over
traditional management So you want to create a lean, mean, working
machine? Discover how to inspire employees and get results. From
tried-and-true worksheets to tools that you can tailor to your own
situation, this friendly guide helps you call all the right plays
for a big win! Discover how to: Use questions rather than commands
Be a delegator, not a doer Complete performance reviews without
anxiety Grow your employees' talents Increase productivity;
decrease turnover Get smart! Register to win cool
prizes Browse exclusive articles and excerpts Get a free Dummies
Daily(TM) e-mail newsletter Chat with authors and preview other
books Talk to us, ask questions, get answers
If you want to create a lean, mean, working machine in today's environment you need a game plan for building employee morale and commitment. By coaching and mentoring your work force--instead of implementing staid traditional management techniques--you'll start to see tremendous results. Regardless of where you find yourself on the corporate ladder and what level of authority you carry, what you and other managers share in common is the responsibility for the performance of others. "Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies" can open your eyes to this innovative way of managing and show you the best way to get the most out of those who work for you. "Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies" provides the foundation for understanding what business coaching is all about, and helps you gain or improve the coaching skills that drive employee performance and commitment. These skills, which serve as the main topics of this book, involve: getting employees to deliver the results you need; guiding employees to think and do for themselves; motivating employees to take on responsibility and perform effectively; and growing employee capabilities that lead to career development and success You'll also discover how to: Use questions rather than commands Be a delegator, not a doer Complete performance reviews without anxiety Grow your employees' talents Increase productivity and decrease turnover With "Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies" as your guide, you can start to put these techniques and tools to work for you and inspire your employees in ways you never imagined. From tried-and-true worksheets to tools that you can tailor to you own situation, this friendly guide helps you call all the right plays with regards to your employees. Forget about micromanaging When you become a coach, you'll be surprised by the tasks your group can perform.The fun and easy guide to today's hottest trends in management training, "Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies" shows managers how to take advantage of these state-of-the-art management tools -- without spending hundreds of dollars on training seminars This book features Guidance on being a coach rather than a doer" and giving feedback in a positive way Advice on motivating, grooming, and growing employees Tips on tackling diversity issues, performance reviews, and other challenges Put these techniques and tools to work and inspire your employees in ways you never imagined. Forget about micromanaging When you become a coach, you'll be surprised by the tasks your group can perform.
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