(门德尔松清唱剧《伊利亚》全谱)Elijah in Full Score mobi pdf azw3 夸克云 pdb 115盘 lrf 下载

(门德尔松清唱剧《伊利亚》全谱)Elijah in Full Score精美图片
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(门德尔松清唱剧《伊利亚》全谱)Elijah in Full Score书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780486285047
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1995-05
  • 页数:352
  • 价格:198.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  One of the last works of German composer Felix Mendelssohn (i809-1847), the oratorio Elijah was first performed at England's Birmingham Festival in August, 1846. Elated by the audience's response, Mendelssohn wrote jubilantly to his brother: "Not less than four choruses and four airs were encored." Audiences still respond enthusiastically to this splendid oratorio. A century and a half later, Elijah is one of the most frequently performed of all choral works, a favorite of audiences everywhere.

In the Old Testament, the story is told of how the Prophet Elijah vindicates the religion of the Israelites against the nature-worship of Baal. Mendelssohn imagined Elijah as "strong, zealous and, yes, even bad-tempered, angry and brooding.., yet borne aloft as if on angels' wings." His conception of Elijah comes immediately and vividly to life in an inspired series of solo and choral passages filled with compelling drama and rich musical symbolism. Elijah is reprinted here from the definitive German edition, with the text in both German and English.



 Einleitung [Prologue]. Basso Solo.

  So wahr der Herr, der Gott Israel's lebet.- As God the Lord of Israel liveth ..


 1. Coro.

  Hilf, Herr! willst du uns denn gar vertilgen? - Help, Lord! wilt thou quite destroy us ?

 Coro Recit.

  Die Tiefe ist versieget! - The deeps afford no water

 2. Duetto con Coro.

  Herr, h6re unser Gebet! - Lord, bow thine ear to our pray' r!

  3. Recit. Tenore Solo.

  Zerreisset eure Herzen. - Ye people, rend your hearts

  4. Aria. Tenore Solo.

  "So ihr mich von ganzem Herzen suchet." - "If with all your hearts ye truly seek me."

 5. Coro.

  Aber der Herr sieht es nicht. - Yet doth the Lord see it not

 6. Recit. Alto Solo.

  Elias! gehe weg yon hinnen. - Elijah, get thee hence

 7. Doppel-Quartett.

  Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen - For He shall give His angels charge Recit. Alto Solo.

  Nun auch der Bach vertrocknet ist. - Now Cherith 's brook is dried up

 8. Recit. Aria e Duetto (Soprano- e Basso Solo).

  Was hast du an mir gethan. - What have I to do with thee

 9. Coro.

  Wohl Dem, der den Herrn ffirchtet. - Blessed are the men who fear Him

 10. Recit. con Coro. Basso e Tenore Solo.

  So wahr der Herr Zebaoth lebet. - As God the Lord of Sabaoth liveth

 11. Coro.

  Baal, erh6re uns. - Baal, we cry to thee

 12. Recit. e Coro. Basso Solo.

  Rufet tauter! denn er ist ja Gott! - Call him louder! for he is a god

 13. Recit. e Coro.

  Rufet lauter! er h6rt euch nicht. - Call him louder! he heareth not

 14. Aria. Basso Solo.

  Herr Gott Abraham's, Isaak's und Israel's. - Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel.

 15. Quartetto. Soprano, Alto, Tenore e Basso Solo.

  Wirf dein Anliegen auf den Herrn. - Cast thy burden upon the Lord

 16. Recit. Basso Solo con Coro.

  Der du deine Diener machst zu Geistern - O Thou, who makest thine Angels

 17. Aria. Basso Solo.

  Ist nicht des Herrn Wort wie ein Feuer. - Is not His word like a fire!

 18. Arioso. Alto Solo.

  Weh' ihnen, dass sie von mir weichen! - Woe, woe unto them who forsake Him!

 19. Recit. con Coro. Soprano, Tenore e Basso Solo.

  Hilf deinem Volk, du Mann Gottes! - O man of God, help thy people

 20. Coro.

  Dank sei dir, Gott. - Thanks be to God


 21. Aria. Soprano Solo.

  H6re, Israel, h6re des Herrn Stimme! - Hearye, Israel! Hear what the Lord speaketh

 22. Coro.

  Furchte dich nicht, spricht unser Gott. - Be not afraid, saith God the Lord..

 23. Recit. con Coro. Basso e Alto Solo.

  Der Herr hat dich erhoben aus dem Volk- The Lord hath exalted thee

 24. Coro.

  Wehe ihm! er muss sterben! - Woe to him! he shall perish

 25. Recit. Tenore e Basso Solo.

  Du Mann Gottes, lass' meine Rede. - Man of God, now let my words

 26. Aria. Basso Solo.

  Es ist genug1. $o nimm nun, Herr, meine Seele. - It is enough, 0 Lord

 27. Recit. Tenore Solo.

  Siehe, er schlaft unter dem Wachholder - See, now he sleepeth beneath a juniper tree

 28. Terzetto. Soprano I. II. e Alto.

  Hebe deine Augen auf zu den Bergen. - Lift thine eyes to the mountains

 29. Coro.

  Siehe, der Hiiter Israel's schl~ift noch schlummert nicht. - He, watching over Israel, slumbers not

 30. Recit. Alto e Basso Solo.

  Stehe auf, Elias, denn du hast einen grossen Weg vor dir. - Arise, Elijah

 31. Aria. Alto Solo.

  Sei stille dem Herrn und warte auf ihn. - O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him

 32. Coro.

  Wer bis an das Ende beharrt, der wird selig. - He that shall endure to the end

 33. Recit. Basso e Soprano Solo.

  Herr, es wird Nacht um mich. - Nightfalleth round me, 0 Lord!

 34. Coro.

  Der Herr ging voruber. - Behold, God the Lord passed by

 35. Recit. Alto Solo. Quartetto (Soprano, Alto, Tenore e Basso Solo) con Coro.

  Seraphim standen uiber ihm. -Above Him stood the Seraphim; Heilig, ist Gott der Herr. - Holy is God the Lord












One of the most frequently performed of all choral works, this splendid oratorio unfolds in an inspired series of solo and choral passages filled with compelling drama and rich musical symbolism. Reprinted from an authoritative German edition, complete with both German and English texts.


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